
Submitted by , posted on 09 September 2001
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Here are some screenshots from the latest game I am working on, Z-Ball. It is a
breakout/arkanoid game, but sideways- kind of like pong. The other big
difference is that it is 3D using D3D. It is the same engine that I used for
Bugatron, a previous IOTD of mine about a year ago. I don't have a billion LOD
polygons going on here of course, but I still think/hope it's a fun game.
Another interesting thing about the game is that many of the sounds were
synthesized by me instead of using samples. I converted the samples to wav
files and play them that way, but it allows the sound to be a bit more unique.
I know there are hundreds of breakout style games already out there, but I think
there are only a couple of good ones. Hopefully, Z-Ball can join that elite
company. It's at beta 2 now, so I am pretty much done adding features- but I do
want to re-model that ugly paddle :-) I am sure there are still some bugs; so
if you find one, please email me! I will be very thankful!
You can download the 2 meg beta at http://www.retro64.com/zb
Let me know what you think, even if you hate it! (just tell me why)