
Submitted by , posted on 06 September 2003
Image Description, by

These screenshots are taken from my project ffKorez. ffKorez is a kill-bots-in-the-arena style
3D space shooter developed in 2002-2003 by me. It is based on an engine made by our team -
Nesnausk!. Part of ffKorez (collision detection system) was my bachelor work at Kaunas
University of Technology, were I'm studying Computer Science.
ffKorez shares the same engine with some of our other projects. The engine includes:
pipeline setup
rendering code with shaders support
particle system (with plugable physics and renderers)
input code
unified resource management
game entities support
GUI system.
Due to the modular architecture of the engine ffKorez uses custom modules for visibility, collision detection and physics.
More info, screenshots and demo is available at ffKorez web site (www.nesnausk.org/ffKorez).
Visit www.nesnausk.org to see more projects of our team.
Paulius LIEKIS aka OneHalf