
Submitted by , posted on 04 September 2003
Image Description, by

This image demonstrates how to achieve dramatic mesh reduction while
preserving the visual appearance of objects using GPU programming.
The first image shows a 500 facets version of the well known Stanford
The second image shows a normal-mapped version. Note that the triangles are
still visible around the silhouette.
The third image shows a normal-mapped version, with Bezier triangles
generated by the GPU, using vertex shaders. Note the smooth silhouette.
The normal-map is generated using our LSCM parameterization method.
The Bezier triangles are generated using Vlachos's approach.
Mesh decimation algorithm: Nicolas Ray
Bezier vertex shader: Wan Chiu Li
- Vlachos, Peters, Boyd, Mitchell, Curved PN Triangles,
ACM Symposium on Interactive 3D graphics, 2001
- Levy, Petitjean, Ray, Maillot, Least Squares Conformal Maps,
ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH), 2002
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