
Submitted by , posted on 02 September 2002
Image Description, by

This is a screenshot of Emoticon, an RTS I'm
developing. The game itself is a fair bit more
tactical than other RTSs. The army given to you
at the beginning of a level will usually be the
same army you finish with, I've taken out base
building and resource management, which changes
the way you play. I found a lot more focus was
put on protecting individual units, and I think
I like it that way.
Techically, it isn't feature rich, the
pathfinding will navigate a group through a maze
without any troubles, the game doesn't crash on
this computer and runs at a nice frame rate on
this computer. It uses DirectDraw7 for graphics,
and this version doesn't have any sound or
music. It was developed in VB, so if you want to
test out the alpha, you'll need the VB runtimes
(download link at my site)
What is planned:
Smarter enemy AI: the current AI is ok, but
not great. It mainly acts on a stimulus response
type system, and never has any initiative to
attack the player out of the blue. It knows how
to retreat, but it would rather die, so it never
does :)
Smarter unit AI: I'm going to add in a few
extra orders you can give the units (currently,
they can move, attack, pick up and put down).
I'm going to experiment with something so you
can 'draw' a formation for the units to get in
in realtime.
Music and sound: Sound adds a great deal to an
RTS I've found, the feedback it gives is really
useful. And I fancy a touch of music here and
there :)
More units and weapon types. There are a
couple of units in the game which you won't see
in the alpha, because their special-ness hasn't
been coded yet. I'd like to have some area
effect weapons and maybe some less conventional
weapons. I made the game in the
graphical 'style' it was in so I didn't have to
stick to realism, so I might as well use this
opportunity :)
Anyway, the Public Alpha and more screenshots
are available here: