
Submitted by , posted on 01 September 2001
Image Description, by

Shown in the screen shots is the implementation of my terrain CLOD algorithm at
Features of the algorithm include:
quadtree based VFC.
frame coherent view-dependent CLOD meshing.
LOD accuracy adjustment, my version of the "cluster ROAM bintree",4x subdivide
in the implementation.
low mem consumption, 1-4 bytes per height sample, further 4/16/64 cut by LOD
accuracy adjustment.
and a lot more.
Features of the implementation include:
optimized for TNT2 class hardware, as I developed it on a PIII 500+TNT2 pro.
(yeah I know about the debate of CLOD on T&L hardware, but it's really possible
to get fast CLOD implementation on T&L hardware, see the ROAM discussions in the
gdalgorithm list).
2M tps on TNT2 agp2x+PIII500 @40-50 fps. 4M tps on my laptop GeForce2 GO! agp4x
+ mobile PIII 1G @ 60fps.
SSE optimized geomorphing code.
the usual "landscape stuff":sky box/texture systemization,etc.
A demo is available at www.tbns.net/davidz. Note that the sky-box texture
quality is quite bad because of JPEG compression, and the size of the landscape
is 1025*1025. A NVIDIA TNT card or better is recommended. I once noticed texture
seams artifacts on a ATI Rage 128, so please avoid ATI cards.(sorry, never got
the time to fix it). Ah. And the thing is done in OpenGL, really nice for
Happy coding.
Zhu Yuanchen