
Submitted by , posted on 26 August 2002
Image Description, by

Here's two screenshots of a 3D browser I released in july. It supports 3DS,
DXF, ASC, OBJ, LWO, and T3D formats and is mainly optimized for speed.
Average load times on my Duron 1GHz - GF2 MX400 64MB DDR :
70 000 polygons / 40 000 vertices : 3 seconds
50 000 polygons / 150 000 vertices : 2 seconds
15 000 polygons / 60 000 vertices : 0.5 second
Binary files (3DS LWO)
120 000 polygons / 70 000 vertices : 2 seconds
50 000 polygons / 30 000 vertices : 1 second
16 000 polygons / 30 000 vertices : 0.5 second (second screenshot)
Other 3D borwsers tested with my most big models load them in minutes or
just crash ...
This project will be continued and extended. My ToDo list for Browz3D v2 is
already very very long, so feel free to try my app and send me
feedback/suggestions to improve it.
Download page : http://www.istrasoft.net/appbrowz3d.html