
Submitted by , posted on 16 August 2001
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Hi- my name is Uthman Apatira and this is a screenshot from my just completed
tutorial titled How to Create Your 3D Fighting Game in 7 Days. Each day of the
tutorial is a comprehensive walk through of each of the basic steps required in
order to make a very basic but nonetheless, complete fighting game. The topics
for each day are as follows:
Day One: Models & Bones
Day Two: Animations
Day Three: Model Loader Animations
Day Four: Assigning Movements to Keys and the Combo Buffer
Day Five: The CPU Opponent- Really fake A.I.
Day Six: Sounds and Music
Day Seven: Game Interface and Special Effects
Throughout the course of the tutorial, a novice programmer who is fluent with
NeHes base code and OpenGL will go pro by learning the tricks of the trade
behind character animations with Brett Porters PortaLib, DirectMusic and
DirectSound with Andre LaMothes T3DLIB3.H taken from him Tricks of the Windows
Game Programming Gurus Vol#1 and finally, a touch of my own programming style to
complete the series.
Every day of the tutorial comes with source and demo. The full tutorial (and soon
to come whitepaper) can be downloaded from my website: http://www.WiZ3Domain.com/