
Submitted by , posted on 10 August 2003
Image Description, by

This is screen shot from my concept game AntiPlanet. It is first PC 3D shooter
game based on real time ray tracing engine.
Demo is available here.
http://www.virtualray.ru/eng/download.html (7MB)
Game details and technology presentation supplemented with wide theoretical
basis is available here.
I hate this screen shot as others and even want to remove it back. Because
static pictures do not represent well the main features of my ray-tracing engine
VirtualRay. Such as dynamic lighting, real time soft shadowing and dynamic scene
changing. By the way, here is list of graphic engine's features. I give it
accordantly to resolution 1024x768x32 and usage of modern CPU like Pentium4 and
1. Rendering scenes containing thousands visible spheres. Actually, scene
may be really infinite, only local potential visible part is limited in sphere
2. Per-frame computation of scene lighting. Every light source is dynamic.
Motionless light sources are dynamic to, because of scene my change around.
3. Per-pixel lighting and shadowing.
4. Soft shadows with alternating softness coefficient. It approximates
physical-correct soft shadows.
5. Up to 8 light sources per sphere. Thus, object could cast up to 8
shadows. Really, number of active light per sphere is 2 because of performance
6. Spot and directional color light sources are supported.
7. On each frame, position of any object can arbitrarily vary.
8. Rendering is carried out in true color.
9. Bilinear filtration of textures is supported with two modes, performance
and quality.
10. Limited management of transparent spheres is supported. Spheres'
transparency degree can dynamically vary. So transparent spheres can smoothly
turn opaque and vice versa. Independent transparency for each color channel is
also supported.
11. Two engine modes. Planet mode with flat rounded simple surface and space
mode with out dimensions. Rounded surface form horizon effect when far objects
smoothly disappear behind horizon. It allows simple visualizing of infinite
12. Relatively smooth frame rate. With out jerks.
Technology presentation also includes link to pre version of VirtualRay SDK
with source code examples.
Lev Dymchenko