
Submitted by , posted on 10 August 2001
Image Description, by

The CurvCloth demo is a simple cloth effect that uses lattice of springs and
curved surfaces. (very simple, trivial, unstable, unoptimized
You can find more tech details in the text file included in the zip archive.
(CurvCloth_v1.0.zip) http://www.gyurchev.com/files.html
I'm trying to measure the quality of my coding style (readabilty,
maintainability). If you are interested in helping me with that, please
download the source and send some feed back on the following questions.
Do you think the code is readable?
What do you think I should change in my coding style?
Were you able to understand the code or you had to look through it
several times?
How about the comments? Too many? Insufficient? Senseless?
What did you like/dislike about this source code?
Please send your comments, responses, suggestions to this thread or mail to:
Yordan Gyurchev