
Submitted by , posted on 07 August 2000
Image Description, by

This is 4 screenshots from the next version of a screensaver called Planestate.
They all come from what is going to be v1.2 and the major new feature is the
possibility to use file textures on the planes. (Before they where real time calculated)
The topmost pictures are from the configuration screen and the bottom two are
from inside the screensaver.
Features of the screensaver is that it's completely configurable. Includes
5 different backgrounds that can work as screensavers on their own and animations
that contain frames that animate themselves. Creating the effect of taking a long
time before it repeats itself. If ever.
If you want to learn more about the screensaver or test the latest version then
go to http://www.itnsoftware.com v1.1 can be found there and v1.2 should
be up in a week or so.
Contact me at jme@itnsoftware.com
/Joakim E.