
Submitted by , posted on 30 July 2000
Image Description, by

This is just a attempt for create solid texturing from famouse Perlin noise function.
The engine is a hierarchical OBB culling/sorting with (currently disable) vertex gouraud shading and shadowing.
Each face you can see have a texture (64x64) which is calculate once : the first time when face was visible.
Currently, I have few materials : 'blue-marble' (from Perlin), 'standard' wood implementation (from Perlin too),
a bugged checker and a 'sphere' material... so if you know some others procedural texture algorythms, don't
hesitate to send it ;)
You can get Dx7 binaries at http://www.bigfoot.com/~noote/3d/SolidTexturing
A bientôt...
Nathaniel 'NooTe' Saint Martin
From Paris, France