
Submitted by , posted on 29 June 2001
Image Description, by

I am/was working on a game engine called 'Heylow'. It was originally
intended to resemble the game HALO by Bungie software (halo.bungie.com)
and I guess it still does.
It's a first person shooter, and it is terrain based, like HALO. It has 4
layered 3D texturing (rock, dirt, grass, and an optional detail texture) and
supports the Half-Life mdl model format. It's got all the essentials, a
skybox, particle system, entity system, etc.
At the moment, you run around on an island in the middle of an ocean, with
map-objects like trees/rocks/grass blades or whatever, and shoot 'bad-guys'
that are placed around the map. Your gun has a clip of ammo that needs to be
reloaded whenever it runs out, etc. There are only two guns though. I was
planning on putting a vehicle system in, but I am lazy and finish 2% of all
my projects so it's a lost cause, really.
I have an older version uploaded somewhere. ICQ me if you want the link (I
can't seem to locate the URL at the moment). 120943431.
I haven't touched this project in about a month, and before that, I had only
been working on it for two weeks. I have only recently discovered flipcode,
so I decided to submit these pics. Some of you may recognize the gun model
from Counter-Strike (the P90), I just needed something to test it with. :)
This picture was too big for me to put fullsize onto flipcode, but you can
see the fullsize version here.