
Submitted by , posted on 07 June 2001
Image Description, by

Purple player is having a reveng after blue had spoiled nice
hot-water-surfing-session! Blue ship is taking a bath in small pond and the
evil purple ship has just tossed in toxic waste spoiling the water
effectively. Red ship is making green's life hard and looks like that green
ship is really going to be history after one more of those big blasts.
This is a screenshot of my game I originally made back in 1996. Now I have
ported it to Windows and released the game as completely free version with
all the features originally available only in registered shareware version.
The game is aimed for 2-4 players on a single computer & keyboard as you can
see from the 4-way splitscreen screenshot. The game point is flying in
cavernous levels while shooting at the other players using some of the many
floating weapons available for picking up.
The original game worked with 486's and early pentiums pretty good, now the
recommended set is some Pentium with 32MB memory, although it should work
with a lot less. Features are roughly as follows: 640x480x8bpp (256 colors)
mode, parallax scrolling, digital soundtrack&fx.
The home page for the game is http://iki.fi/jetro/kops/