
Submitted by , posted on 27 May 2003
Image Description, by

My name is Carl Pedimina and I'm co-founder of a technical and graphic sub-contractor company.
Daarwind is a technical and graphic demonstration we have made in order to show our capacities. It was done in three months by four persons: one programmer (me) and three graphists.
We have used our own game engine called Seed. Some technical information:
Use of Octtree for spatial partitioning
Skeleton Animation system (with animation blending)
Realtime shadow (using texture map)
Sound streaming
Daarwind (the main character) has 2400 polygons and about 30 bones
There's about 31000 polygons for the level (without dynamic objects)
Real time wind management (for the grass, the bamboos and tree leafs)
Multi texturing management (look at the reflection effect on pipes)
Particle system
Use of DirectX8.1 for 3D, Input and Sound
You can download a demo here: http://www.krysalide.fr/daarwind.php.
You can send me any comments via email or flipcode forum.
Carl Pedimina
Technical Director