
Submitted by , posted on 25 May 2000
Image Description, by

As the flipcode terrain engine parade continues, here are some shots of my
engine, OGRE.
They are about two months old, the newer versions use proprietary models and
I'm under an NDA so posting those is probably questionable. The things you
don't see in these shots that are functioning in the engine are:
Dynamic and static object support, building and tree placement
Bezier roads
Voxel model support and triangle mesh to voxel model conversion
Improved lighting model
and other miscellaneous goodies.
The things you do see are:
Animated volumetric fog
Global unique texturing
Motion blur
Day/night cycle support
Fully dynamic world (texture and geometry data can be altered on
per-polygon basis)
The indoors counterpart of OGRE, IGOR, is being worked on and I will post
shots of it as soon as there's anything worthy to post.