
Submitted by , posted on 05 May 2003
Image Description, by

During my current bout with unemployment, I've been messing with things
I've been wanting to, but couldn't while busy with work. More specifically,
playing with those nifty features on my Geforce 3 : )
This is a screenshot from an engine I've developed from scratch. It's
actually pretty useful in it's current form, and with some decent models and
textures, a full game could be made from it.
Current features:
Completely vertex and pixel shader based - no use of the fixed function
Terrain rendering (uses a repeating detail texture with larger color maps)
and collision
Static meshes (MS3D and .X formats)
Interior areas (Quake II maps) and collision for the interior
Segmented and 'skinned' animated objects (MS3D format)
Scene graph hierarchy and culling of objects and terrain
Reflection mapping, real-time reflecting water, and bump/normal mapping
Shadows on everything, being cast by anything, even the terrain
Character control, with minor transitions between actions (a bit clunky at
the moment)
Heat distortion ( texbem / render-to-texture scheme)
The screenshot shows a scene that is fully shadowed from a flashlight -
anything will cast a shadow onto anything else (even the terrain casts
shadows!) via hardware shadow mapping. The framerate dips down to 45fps on
my GF3 + 1ghz Athlon.
For more information, please visit my website at http://odellworld.com/