
Submitted by , posted on 23 April 2001
Image Description, by

Here are some nice images which i produced for my first University
assignment. I am studying computer graphics at the UTS Sydney Australia, we
do raytracing next semester - i can't wait.
Our assignment was to define a 2D polygon, apply some transformation to
it (using matrices), draw it, and then repeat those steps again (to the
resulting polygon). We were encouraged to change it's colour over the
iterations, and use an outline colour too. I implemented alpha transparency,
sub-division, and shape distortion - i guess i've been hanging around this
site too long ;).
I was the only guy in the class who wrote it in Smalltalk (Squeak). I put
up a site, you can see these snap shots plus others here.
This is by no means a complicated project, so please don't look for the
vertex lighting, BSP, or 1000 fps (not that there's anything wrong with
that!). I was just really happy with the results, and thought i'd begin my
first humble IOTD with these guys...
Ali Chamas.