
Submitted by , posted on 18 April 2000
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This is a screenshot of a tool y have developed two years ago for a project
for one of our customers. It's a complete modeler for games based on a
proprietary GUI
and 3d engine.
Now, I'm working on a new project, called " EZ-World ".
This is a short introduction :
EZ World, prononced " Easy World ", is the code name of a integrated game
development environment for the production of the next generation of games.
EZ Worl is based on the most advanced strategy and concept in software tools
wich permit to reduce the development time and enhance the quality, the
creativity and the complexity of games.
EZ World is concepted to integrate cutting edge technology needed like 3D
engine, physics engine, sound engine, and to develop for this a high quality
content and the best game engine.
EZ World is a software for all the game development team : all features like
modeling, animating, programming, are based on common concept and are
featured in the same environment which permit a efficient cooperativ work
for all the members of the team.
You can see more on my site, which is in construction : www.z-oxyde.com
or directly www.z-oxyde.com/ez-world/
Check it later ! It will change...