
Submitted by , posted on 14 April 2005
Image Description, by

"Mexican Motor Mafia" is the first game I've programmed. I've done art
for a number of commercial titles. The engine was built from scratch
while I learned game programming. There is one other artist working on
it doing all the character illustration.
It's sort of an updated version of the old Autoduel game and borrows a
lot of elements from Pirates! The goal was to make a fun and simple
yet complete game with the resources I had at hand. It's 2d and it
takes advantage of that.
The weapon system is unusual. All the guns shoot out the sides from
the windows. This keeps the game from turning into "ram and shoot" and
rewards the player for driving around the map without needing to add
racing elements.
The two pieces of preexisting tech I used are Lua and Fmod. Lua has
been invaluable in setting up the higher level game functions and one
could just modify the game's Lua scripts to make an entirely different
I'm not sure if the title "Mexican Motor Mafia" is offensive, I was
just going for edgy. If you have an opinion by all means speak up.
I've just created a website at for the game at http://www.mexicanmotormafia.com/
The illustrator's website is http://www.michaelgeiger.net/
I'm not planning on putting out a demo until the game comes out, but I
have made an old test version available at
This version is very old and a lot has changed since then, but I
really wanted to share something playable with the flipcode crowd. The
project has been code complete for a while now, except for the copy
protection so I can't share that.
-John Loehrlein