
Submitted by , posted on 06 April 2001
Image Description, by

This is a little polygon pusher Ive been playing
around with written in Visual Basic 6 and DirectX
8. Much of the code I have ported from
mrgamemaker.coms BSP Tutorial II. I got tired
of manually typing coordinates to make my own map
file, so I used the .mwm file from the above
tutorial. I know that mrgamemaker.com took the
BSP tutorials down but I hope they dont mind I
used their map file. DX8Maze does not use binary
space partitioning (BSP) or potentially visible
sets (PVS). It is just a polygon pusher I wrote
to learn DirectX 8. It uses discreet lighting
with mostly ambient light. I threw one point
light in there and sucked the green and red
components out to leave a blue color. I think it
looks pretty cool. I had lightmaps at one point,
but editing the .mwm file with a hex editor I
found to be just as tedious as writing my own
map. So I left the .mwm file in its original
Special thanks to mrgamemaker.com for the two
excellent BSP tutorials, Romka Graphics for some
textures, flipcode.com and gamedev.net for the
awesome web sites, the DirectX newsgroups for
answers to some questions and Microsoft for
DirectX 8, Visual Basic and the DirectX 8 SDK.
This code may be used freely by anyone for any
purpose. I hold no responsibility for anyones
use of this code. I have successfully run this
on a Matrox G400 and an nVidia TNT2.
The code can be found at www.gdcopen.com/DX8Maze
Joe Banach