
Submitted by , posted on 04 April 2003
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GridWar is my first complete PC game. Over the years I have tried
making some kind of game but always ended up with "engineitus", the
symptoms of which are the repetitive creation and abandonment of
partial game engines. But with age, discipline has become more
important to me, so one day I decided to just pick an idea, go with
it, and stay focused. I resisted the temptation to do other things as
much as I could, no matter how boring the coding got when writing the
necessary yet mundane elements. There is nothing at all special or
unique on the technical side of things of this game, it is just a
simple DirectX 8.1 game, using Direct3D, DirectInput, and DirectMusic
interfaces. The game plays like Battleship, but with a little
twist. It supports single player and multiplayer via tcp/ip. The game
is available at my personal webpage, http://bellsouthpwp.net/d/f/dfrey69
David Frey
aka Mastaba on the Flipcode forums