
Submitted by , posted on 29 March 2002
Image Description, by

Here are a couple of shots from the initial pre-pre-pre Alpha release of
Realm Wars, the first GarageGames Community Project. Realm
Wars uses the GarageGames Torque Game Engine (the same engine that powered
Tribes 2), and will be a multiplayer fantasy action game. The above shots
show off the integrated heightfield and interior rendering engines, as well
as the multiplayer functionality. A brief list of Torque engine features:
Cross-platform support for Win32, Mac and Linux
Quadtree terrain rendering
Interior engine with lightmapping
Mesh animation and skinning with animation blending
UDP-based networking
Fairly comprehensive GUI system
Built-in OO scripting language similar syntactically to C
Mission and terrain editors
Particle system
Wheeled and flying vehicles
You can download the test release version here. Anyone who's interested in working on the project is welcome to get
- Mark