
Submitted by , posted on 27 March 2001
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This is a small project I've been working on for about 3 months now.
Right now it's a single player 3d shoot'em space game /w a limited chat
I plan on adding a multiplayer component that will allow people to play
against eachother.
One player will essentially make the fleets, the other people will then
have to defend against whatever formations the opposing player decides to
launch at him.
I use OpenGL for the graphics, a custom 3dsmax importer for my ships, FMOD
for the sound, and standard Win32 for all of my *necessary* stuff.
The particles are still a bit slow (sub tnt2), but they are so flexible
that it makes adding any kind of particle effects a breeze. I hope to use
them in a future graphics demo that I can not wait to get around to..
You can download the demo at http://www.cs.unm.edu/~genesis/alphasquadron.exe
I'd really like to hear from anyone with a voodoo3 or a radeon and see if
they are having any problems with it.
David Massey