
Submitted by , posted on 22 March 2004
Image Description, by

I finally got around to updating the water screensaver, the new version can be downloaded from: http://www.scene.org/file.php?file=%2Fdemos%2Fgroups%2Ffluid%2Ffld_water-gold.zip&fileinfo
The screensaver features:
5 standard backgrounds
An image cycling mode that blends the 5 standard background in and out of each other.
The ability to import custom backgrounds in the form of BMP/DIB files. on the fly anti-aliasing.
a resolution change from the original screensaver that used a mode of 512x384, the new version uses a more friendly mode of 640x480.
Truly random weather states.
About the screen-shot:
the above image of the screenshot shows the screensaver using the image cycling mode. the bottom image of the screenshot shows the screensaver using an imported bitmap. The screensaver also have the ability to scale images up and down on the fly using a simplified version of the bresenham algorithm.
i know some of you are still using the previous version of the screensaver, you will not have to delete it in order to install and run the update, they will happily co-exist with each other.
You can still grab the original version from:
i would like to thank everyone from the flipcode community, and the scene community, for sending me ideas regarding the update - thank you.
Wayne "dappa" Mike,