
Submitted by , posted on 21 March 2002
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So here it is, my first game!
I started game programming about 6 months ago and since then a sat day by day at my pc and coded... This is the result!
When it is finished, it will be a rather simple to fly dogfight game where four players try to intercept each other.
It is just a cheap copy of a game I`ve found on a demo-cd ... The "original" makes a lot of fun, but doesnīt look very good, itīs just a 2D thing with nasty sprites... but nevertheless it makes a lot of fun!
The fun was SO big, that I decided to rebuild it ;)
Some features I plan to include until itīs done:
Network support
Highscore list, published on the homepage (therefore players have to "register") <- This will be done with the help of my friend Tommy ( just to mention him too)
want to play around with dynamic shadows and a "real" lensflar (on the image itīs just in the background)
Phu, this will last for another six months of work I guess ;]
One last word... flipcode is great! Without it, it probalby would have taken me twice the time to come this far with my tiny game, thanks to the community!
Greetings, Wolfgang