
Submitted by , posted on 19 March 2002
Image Description, by

What? Another vertical shooter as iotd?!
Yes, and as a matter of fact these pictures are from two vertical shooters.
The lower two pictures shows my recently (and first ever!) completed game,
This is no Rose Garden, and the upper two are work-in-progress pictures of
my new game.
They're both based on my, constantly evolving, shooter-engine.
Some engine features are:
Three different landscape rendering systems
Environmental, normal, highlight, glow, trail and "dissolve" mesh
AN8/CPP mesh loader and converter
Skydome (globe for in-space scenes), user defined number of cloud layers
Easy to use and keep track of texture management
Object management with parent/child and complex self-creation (time or
event based) systems
NO particle system...who needs it?! ;)
Even the lower end of the video cards can run the games and the engine has
been developed with this in mind.
It's been tested playable even on a Voodoo Banshee card.
OpenGL/GLUT/FMOD and Anim8or made it all possible.
When the next game is finished the engine will incorporate pixelshaders and
the rest of the mumbo-j in it.
A demo version of This is no Rose garden can be found at
www.thisisnorosegarden.com and a demo of my new game will be available
within half a year... :o
Hope to get some comments and bug reports from those who tries the demo!
M Tillander aka mice