
Submitted by , posted on 18 March 2004
Image Description, by

This is a screenshot of my real-time global illumination demo written with DirectX 9.0b.A teapot flying in the box is colored by the effect of a color bleeding of the wall which the teapot has in near.
This demo renders a teapot with the following steps:
The texture on which diffuse radiance transfer was recorded is prepared beforehand(PRT map).
A camera is put on the center of the teapot, and a dual-paraboloid environment map is created.
An environment map is multiplied by SH functions in the local coordinate system of an object.
An environment map is reduced as creating a mip-map, and it derives SH coefficients of the incomming light.
The PRT map is multiplied by SH coefficients calculated from the environment map, and the brightness in each point is derived.
More information and downloads are available at http://t-pot.com (Japanese).