
Submitted by , posted on 29 February 2000
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Here are some screenshots from ODEN, a game engine I am working on.
ODEN currently features:
OpenGL rendering.
Huge landscapes (about 16 square km), rendered with dynamic LOD (not
Static lightmapping of landscapes.
Supports .ASE models.
A simple window manager.
Extremely bad physics simulation.
ODEN currently runs in BeOS only. For the moment I intend to keep it
that way since programming for Windows is an pain in the - you know -
and programming for BeOS is pure bliss.
The game itself is in a very early development stage and is currently
unnamed. The plan is that it will evolve into an action-strategy game,
similar to Battlezone but with the emphasis on surveilance and
futuristic weapons rather than resource management and machine-guns.
All feedback is welcome.
/Daniel Wesslén (wesslen@post.netlink.se)