
Submitted by , posted on 17 February 2002
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This is a screenshot that has been taken from our game "Takatis". It's a 2D side scrolling game in a similar style to the old classics like "Katakis" or "R-Type" on the C64, and it's a tribute to Manfred Trenz.
Somehow we never really managed to leave behind the old days of the C64, so with our project we
decided to swim against the flow and not to be carried away with the current boom in first person shooters.
The only real difference between our game and the old classics are the real-time rendered 3D end of level bosses.
The screenshot shows "The Brain" (final level end boss) in action.
Anyone who still remembers the good old times with tears in his eyes, can download the full version of the game game for
free from http://www.poke53280.de.vu (currently only available as German language version).