
Submitted by , posted on 14 February 2002
Image Description, by

These screenshots are from our game Intensity XS and its expansion Intensity
XS: ReCharge, two retro-style 2D shoot'em'ups. The original Intensity XS was
released last year, but we've just recently added Windows XP compatibility,
hence the late post.
Our primary goal for these two games were to program games that (a) would be
finished (!!!) and (b) were easy to learn and fun to play. As a result we
ended up putting relatively little work into the game engine (there are no
special effects such as alpha-blending) and more time and effort into the
design of enemies and gameplay. Hopefully some of you will appreciate the
simple gameplay, although we realize that it won't be everyone's cup of tea.
Intensity XS and ReCharge were both written in VC++ using DirectX-7.
Graphics are primarily pre-rendered using POV-Ray, with some hand-drawn
images added later. Sound Effects are from
sound compilation CDs (mostly SoundIdeas), music is by ReFraction.
More info, and a demo of Intensity XS can be found at
www.midnightsynergy.com. This is our first IOTD, so be kind <g>, but
comments/criticisms are very welcome!