
Submitted by , posted on 31 January 2001
Image Description, by

Recently I found these pictures of my raytracer I've programmed with Watcom
C++ for DOS three years ago. As I moved to win32/MFC programming I forgot
the sourcecodes somewhere on a backup cdrom. Actually the code was quite
well structured and the engine could handle some nice features:
3DS loader with multiple Objects and Lights handling
optimized ray-castings with dynamic boundary-spheres
all these material properties like specular/diffuse etc levels
texture- and bump-mapping
keyframing for objects/lights/camera -> I saved every single frame and
compiled them into a *.FLI file
notes to the pictures
big one:
one of my favourite pictures showing some colourful/antialiased mushrooms.
It took quite a lot of time to raytrace this scene. =)
little pictures from left to right:
1. This picture shows the boundary-spheres used to optimize the trace-time
and you see quite well, that the mushrooms are splitted into subobjects.
2. Just another mushroom-pic - in a way I like the cold and clean feel of
this one.
3. Here you see a selfmade 3D character originally made for a demo, which
unfortunatly never has been finished. It had quite a lot of subobjects and
was fully texture-mapped. Again with some psychic omni-lights.
4. Another test-scene featuring some antic stones. I remember testing here
some material properties..
In the Image Of The Day Gallery I saw some other raytraced pictures. Hey,
great work and keep on programming!
Yannick Suter