
Submitted by , posted on 26 January 2000
Image Description, by

Here's a picture from one of my Christmas projects, QLeVe. It's just a
simple Quake 2 level viewer with support for BSP trees, PVS, lightmaps, and
the rest, written entirely in DELPHI. In the picture you can see the BIG
difference between a level with lightmaps and a level without lightmaps
(just textures), and the SMALL difference between lightmaps and Gouraud shading.
The difference in speed is big enough: the gouraud shading is two
times faster than the lightmaps. I think that lightmaps are soon to be
history, especially with the new GeForce cards coming up.
If you want to see the program, it will be available at:
Right now, that url isn't accessible, so if you want to see it anyway (or if
you want the source code) mail me to: cobra@odobleja.dj.edu.ro
Anyway, I wrote this program only to show that Delphi is a pretty good
programming language, and it IS suitable for 3D Graphics.
Claudiu Marinescu a.k.a. "Cobra"