
Submitted by , posted on 20 January 2003
Image Description, by

Behold the screenshots from the addicting little game we've been developing!
the game was inspired by the 2-player mode of lemmings(tm) for the super
nintendo. it's basically a real-time strategy game (almost like chess) in
which you try to save your own 'clones' while trying to stop your opponent
from accomplishing the same task by giving actions to your clones such as
'build', 'dig', etc.... it sounds simple, but try playing the 4-player map
in which every player is trying to fend off 3 other opponents at once and
you'll find out how complex the game can become.
The top-right pic is of the main menu (the background of the main menu is
actually a playback of a previously recorded match) showcasing our simple
gui code. the top-left picture is of a level named 'snipe'. the idea for
this level is was taken from the way that a first person shooter might have
3 players on high ground sniping 10 players on a beach. this level gives
the grey team only 10 clones while the green team gets 60.. and so this map
is all about clever sabotage! :)
the large pic is a screenshot of the 4-player map named 'dump'. it is ideal
for setting up different team combinations as it is a fairly large map. in
addition, in this screenshot you can see one of the several 'traps' the game
features... the little cloud next to the blocker is a 'swap trap' which
swaps the color of a clone who passes underneath it, thus changing which
team can control that clone!
we've been working on the game since september while going to university,
and a demo is available from www.tomkorp.com.. we would welcome any feedback
you might have!
rt & ttk