
Submitted by , posted on 09 January 2001
Image Description, by

this is a screenshot taken from my current project JPCT, a 3d engine for
It requires Java 1.1 or higher and makes no use of the Java3D Api.
is done using software rendering. An online (applet) version of the engine
(limited features
because of loading time) can be found at http://fr.activezone.org. The more
application/offline version can be downloaded from there. The image was
taken from
the application version.
JPCT features:
perspective correct texture-mapping with 16 pixel scanline-subdivision
environmental mapped bump mapping
sub-pixel and sub-texel accuracy
24 bit RGB perspective correct Gouraud-shading
24 bit textures and framebuffer
32 bit W-Buffer
texel-filtering (faked bilinear filtering)
any texture-size supported (256*256 used in the demo)
FSAA using 2x2 oversampling
portal rendering
collision detection
Best regards,
Helge Foerster