
Submitted by , posted on 07 January 2003
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Few weeks ago I downloaded what I call a gem : Turrican 32Kb ( you can
get it here ). That was a remake of the great turrican game, running
in Windows using 32Kb only, with graphics and music ! It seems the
32Kb size for game came from a strange demo-party tradition. As I made
a library to write small EXE using DirectX8 and DirectSound some time
ago, I decide to port a classic game in 32Kb too ! One of the game I
liked the most in the golden years was "Rick Dangerous". If you don't
know anything about that great game, please go to that fantastic fan
site : Rick Ressurected and you'll get tons of information.
Nothing should be possible without the hard work of gameplay reverse
engineering made by "Bigorno", the author of XRick. ( Multi-platform Rick Dangerous C conversion). Thanks to him for the main game-engine system.
If some of you wonder about the interest of making a 32Kb game, the
answer is quite simple: there's no ! :-) Just fun !
Technical details
The Rick32Kb needs DirectX8. All the game use real textures and
polygons. (well, strange for a 2d game huh ?). That
version looks like the ATARI-ST version, and has additional features:
A demo mode !
High resolution filtered texture ( Toggle with "F" key )
An ATARI-ST soundchip emulator
12 minutes of real ATARI music
You can download and play it here: http://leonard.oxg.free.fr/rick32/rick32.html
Arnaud Carre