
Submitted by , posted on 05 January 2003
Image Description, by

Hi Everybody,
I just thought I'd send a pic from the raytracer I've been writing in my spare time.
The image shows depth of field, global illumination, bumpmapping, high dynamic range textures, and image based illumination. The features it currently supports are:
Global illumination
Anisotropic texture filtering
Hierarchical bounding volumes Grid to speed up secondary rays
A Vista-Buffer to speed up primary rays
Area lights
Hemispherical lights
Object lights, and triangle mesh can be a light source
Bump mapping
Texture mapping
Specular mapping
Environment Mapping
High dynamic range image support
Motion blur
Programmable surface shaders
Blurry relfections and refractions
Adaptive anti-aliasing
128 bpp portable floatmap output
48 bpp PSD and TIFF support
You can find lots more pics at my web site: