
Submitted by , posted on 05 January 2000
Image Description, by

The lightmaps in this screenshot were created using RPI (Radiosity
Preprocessor Interface). The RPI is basically an API that does nothing more
than create lightmaps. You can feed it some polygons, tell it where the
light sources are, and set some other parameters. Then you tell it to
calculate the lightmaps. When this is done, you receive a bunch of pointers
to raw image data, which you can then save in any format you want. Because
we're talking about an API, you can reuse the same lighting code for
multiple projects.
I wrote the whole thing using Delphi, but since it's a DLL, anyone should
be able to use it. Note that the project is still in its early stages - the
current version doesn't actually use radiosity yet, but you can use it for
simple point lights and spotlights. You can get RPI, with complete source
and documentation, from my site at http://www.gamedeveloper.org/delphi3d/projects.shtml.
Tom Nuydens