
Submitted by , posted on 04 January 2005
Image Description, by

My first submittance to this great site, my engine has reach it's adult stage so
i should give it a go :)
This image is from a game called Java Is DooMeD 2, a thank you to one of the
greatest games of all time: DooM. My inspiration for a new engine came from my
former programming work on a game called javaisdoomed. which can be found here:
Some technical stuff.
The engine has both a hardware-( via JOGL ) and a software renderer, although
the latter isn't
touched for months.
The Compiler takes a .map file( for now it is just Q3 maps, but with some
modification, it can
also be DooM III, Wolfenstein etc.etc. map )
Brushes are created from the raw map file, along with surface properties for
each surface
With this brushes a BSP tree is created, which main purpose is collision detection.
Surfaces never seen in the final, compiled level are automatically discarded-
With the remaining surfaces a portal-based rendering system is build, the
portals are placed by the level designers, which give great flexibilty to the
rendering pipeline.
After all this is done, lightmaps are created for each surface. And since each
surface can have
it's own properties, the detail of the lightmaps can also be adjusted.
The engine and compiler are totally written in JAVA, hence the name Java is
Basic physic are applied to every item in the level(gravity, water, flying)
furthermore, there is
collision detection and response( sliding along walls!! ).
Future things of expansion are, adding an outdoor 'renderer' as well, since the
engine is portal based it could be achievable. And of course adding realtime
Cheers Paul