
Submitted by , posted on 01 January 2002
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Since 1989 Bomberman has been defined by gamers as the ultimate multiplayer
game. IMR-Bombers is a Palm version of the classic Bomberman & DynaBlaster
From a developer point of view, the game includes a heavy Palm-Graphics-Engine
that manages to run the game at a rather fluent 20 fps.
We've worked on the AI for a long time (twice as long as it took to write the
rest of the game). We've re-written it twice and we hope that now it's strong
enough to play-smart for up to 4 Computer-Driven opponents on a 24-33mhz device.
Downloads and Movies (for those of you who don't have a palm) should be
available on our site by now. Visit the IMR-Bombers site for more info :