Submitted by , posted on 29 September 2001
Image Description, by
Game: These are work in progress pics from a project called ballheads ( only project
title ). The game is a bomberman/robotron-clone with elements of a 3d-shooter
and enemy-to-player visibility determination like in MetalGearSolid. You can
shoot with flare-like projectiles ( You can't really see them in the pics
because the snow ) and lay bombs.
NOTE-These are work-in-progress pics, and the level you see is just try-out
stuff ( a level with stone ground, hitec walls and snow??, better not in release
The particle system in pic 4 around the black sphere ( a bomb ) represents the
Pics 1,2,5 and 6 show the same bomb explosion. The cubes are lighted by the
expl. and the small cubes on the ground are destroyed cubes smashed into a lot
of little ones ( coz of the bomb ), >> same texture.
The ground and the ceiling in all pics have both 2 polys, so even d3d-pixelfog
does not work correctly. I'd like to use fog, but for that, I need more polys,
and like I said in the Landscape-posting, my machinaDX-ngin is pretty unfast :).
in 800*600*32 the and 0.0 Texture Level-Of-Detail, the game runs with max 30 fps
( because the game itself has a 30fps limit ) and average 25 fps.
The pics are hiquality-graphics with 5-7fps >> LOD = -2.0, Dynamic Lights = on,
1024*768*32. QUEZTION: Does anybody know, how to use some kind of color key in
d3d in 16 bit texures? I've been searching for hours, but didn't found anything.