
Submitted by , posted on 07 May 2001
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Well, this is the beginnings of a RTS game engine. It's in a bit of a mess
at the moment I'm afraid, and the graphics are suffering badly from
'programmers art'. The transparency effects won't work properly on a lot of
older graphics cards, don't blame me, blame their dodgy OpenGL support.
Still, it's feature list is fairly long, if not that impressive:
LoD based on distance and terrain variation
Bodged "almost A* algorithm" for path finding
View frustum culling
Procedural landscape texture generation
Completely seamless texture tiling [a b*tch to do]
Shadow maps
Detail texturing [but only not if you've got a lame gfx card]
3 kinds of units [only 2 are textured]
Some trees!
Lame particle effects
Rubbish sounds effects
The code is fairly slow and unoptimised, it was more of a test of algorithms
than an attempt to get a supa fly engine. You can download the source and
executable from my website www.bsod.co.uk